All About Barry
You are being warned. STAY AWAY FROM BARRY.
If you do not head this warning, whatever happens to you is your PROBLEM. I don't want to hear about it.
1) Barry is a Pussy. Period. He is a 5 year old in a 58 year old body. He is driven by Greed and guided by Jealousy. Barry is a vicious Lying, Cheating, Conniving, Thief. Barry is a demoralizing, manipulative Soul Sucker. He is a Wolf, a Fox, and a Weasel in Sheep's clothing. He is a confidence man. Barry is irresponsible and undependable.
If you have any problems dealing with or understanding anything that follows, Please refer to Number 1, above. You Have Been Warned!
2) Barry is only concerned about himself at any particular moment in time. Forget even an hour in the future. He couldn't care less about you, all he really cares about is himself. Barry will tell you anything you want to hear to get what he wants, right now.
3) Barry is a master at deceit. He'll make you feel sorry for him. Don't Fall For it! Even when he is saying something that is true, he's lying. He just happened to make up a story that is true. Barry will twist and omit facts to make the story come out the way he wants. You must VERIFY EVERYTHING he say's. Every Little Detail, and the Entire story too, must be verified. You can never let your guard down. Beware. Barry makes up stories to fit the facts at hand and fills in the gaps with innuendo, supposition, or facts out of place. Barry will twist your words, all along saying he is not lying because you spoke those words. You could say "Tom is going to take me out hunting so I can kill a snipe." Barry would tell the authorities that you said "I'm going snipe hunting so I can kill Tom." In his mind he hasn't lied because you did say those words.
4) Barry will steal from you, both materially and emotionally. Don't even lend him anything. You won't get it back, ever. If you do (because you went and got it back) it will be broken.
5) Barry will tell you stories to get you to act on what he say's. When you find out too late it is false, Barry will laugh as your head gets cut off. Don't fall for it.
6) Barry is not Happy. He only appears Happy when others around him are fighting. Barry lives to cause trouble between people that are otherwise Happy.
7) Barry will ask you for help out of a tight situation and then do an end run around you leaving you holding the ball.
8) Barry will get you to do something without ever saying "do this for me" and when he makes it backfire, he'll say "I never told you to do it for me." He'll leave you to suffer from his mistake.
9) Barry will tell you terrible things about someone and when you agree with him, he'll go to that person he was talking about and tell them everything you said. Forget that He brought it up.
10) Barry will steal from you and hide what he steals, forever. And be careful. If you have twenty of something and you say he can have some, he'll take all twenty.
11) Barry will buy you a present, and then that present will mysteriously disappear. Years later you will find it in his stuff and he'll say he bought two of them.
12) Barry will destroy your personal things like Diploma's, Yearbooks, Pictures, etc. just to get at at something he thinks he had as a 5 year old. But if someone else does the same thing to him, he gets mad.
13) Barry will come to you for food. He will eat five pounds of Bacon. He will buy you one pound and pilfer 3 more pounds back till you have had enough and cut him off.
14) Barry is a leach. He will rest on YOUR laurels, and everybody else's. Barry will act as if knowing a person that is a PhD makes him a better person.
15) Barry will give everything up for a word. Yes a Word. A Simple word. Offered the choice of two clear bags, one filled with gold and labeled STUPID, the other with a drop of honey in it and labeled SMART, Barry will choose the bag labeled SMART.
16) Barry will kill someone in front of 1 gazillion people, and then when offered the choice of freedom or death and all he has to do is admit he killed the person and he goes free he will still lye and insist he didn't kill the person. He'll choose death over the truth.
17) Barry will never take responsibility for his own actions. It's always somebody else's fault. Barry will slam his hand in a car door and blame the car manufacturer. Barry will screw up a relationship and then blame the person that his partner went to.
18) Barry will set you up. He will get you to do something wrong, and when you both get caught, he'll say He didn't do it, You Did. Barry will come up with an idea to rob a bank, enlist you, and others. But when it comes down to actually robbing the bank, he'll not be there. If you get away with it, he'll want the larger share of the money, and if you get caught he'll get off Scott free.
19) Barry does not want to learn. Barry will not change for anything or anyone. As soon as he gets what he wants, he goes back to his old ways. Don't waste your time with him.
20) Barry totally lacks any responsibility for his actions.
The only way to deal with Barry is Not to deal with him at all.
Barry is SCREWED UP. I feel sorry for him and anyone involved with him.