Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More on the Hooters thing

This is what I posted on MDJunction-How does the family of A Sociopath Survive.

They don't unless they can exorcise the Sociopath from their Family; which is nearly impossible
Long story short (still quite long), My older brother is a documented Sociopath and I am his current Target and My Mother is his current Victim. Unfortunately, My Mother is drawn in to his Faux life so much that when she is shown incontrovertible proof he is lying, she will deny it. She even lies for him, big time. One time she said she went to the Dr. with him and the Dr. said all kinds of stuff about me. While she was doing that, I pulled up the GPS tracking for her car and her credit card account and asked her how it was possible to be at the Dr. Office 40 miles away from where her car was and who made the three charges on her Credit card during that time, and where did the new small kitchen appliance and other stuff come from? She just got mad at me, yet she still sticks to her lie that she was at the Dr. with my Brother.
Most recently, we were out for wings and my brother was making snide comments about me. I just said, while waving my hand, "you know you really need to stop doing that." He grabbed my hand and squeezed so hard he drew blood at the fingernails. I told him if he didn't let go I was going to slap him. He squeezed harder, so I slapped him. He jumps up and yells "He hit me, did you see that?" and runs outside and acts like he got on his cell phone. He comes back in in about 10 seconds and say's "You're lucky, they were busy right now and they can't come and get you." I said, "whatever" and my Mother whom had just gotten done saying "I don't blame you he wouldn't let go," turn around and said "you hit him first, that's why he grabbed your hand." I said just go home, and went to go hang out with my friends and got a ride home from them.
I got smart and called the police after they left and had them pull the surveillance video which clearly showed him grabbing my hand, me saying something to him, and him not letting go till I slapped him...
My brother goes home and hits himself with something in the head to give himself a lump and, then gets my Mother to go to the police with him in the morning and get's her to file a false police report - which, thank God she didn't sign because she'd be in jail now.
Then She calls all the family and tells everyone the lie, and goes around and tells neighbors and friends the lie also...
After the police tell her of the video and that I slapped him in self defense and not anywhere near where his lump is, she refuses to tell any of the people she told the lie to what the truth is.
Now Note: He got Mom to file a report noting that when his lie is uncovered He won't get in trouble, but Mom would.
Beware of these people. He has torn our family apart. My Father passed away over 20 years ago. So I can't break the promise I had made to him to keep our Mother protected from my Brother. Well after this and several visits to the cemetery, I think my Dad understands that I have to break the promise, otherwise I'm going to loose it. Well I almost did because I took to Liquor for a little bit and after calling for help because I wanted to kill myself - out of total frustration - and being taken to the hospital by the police, because I scared the hell out of the person I was talking to and getting let go an hour later when they realized I wouldn't do it.
My Mother is a rocking 84. She still works, now she has to because she can't stop spending. She has a sharp mind, but she is so sucked into my Brother's lies and manipulation that she denies even the medical community.
My Mother twists things so badly now that if she asks me for an opinion, I won't give it to her. i.e. If she asks me if she should buy something and I say Do you need it or can you afford it, she'll tell people I'm controlling her and won't let her buy it. For God's sake, it's her money, she can do with it what she wants. But If I tell her buy it, she'll blame me for her bills! She's so caught up in it, I feel sorry for her.
I firmly feel that the only thing a Sociopath like my brother understands is a physical Beating. Several times in his life my Brother has been beaten. He drives people to it. Then he finally leaves them alone.
Well, he's here now and I can hear him. I have to put my Ear buds in, or my waders on because the crap is flowing....

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