This is a continuation of the previous post "Cancer - the Great Elaborate Hoax"
Barry was told to stay away from T***&B*** a long time ago, and even experienced his own difficulties with them and didn't talk to them for several years. But he fell back in with them. B*** even came to our house and admitted saying things to Barry and waiting for them to come back to them from Barry and how they changed.
Barry got them to Bald Face Lie to my Mother for him about me. Why she would even believe them, just based on the BAD things Barry said about them, and what she knows, I have no idea. They have restraining orders on them from other neighbors because they were giving their kids drugs. Another neighbor indicated that B*** stole prescription meds from her. yet Mom choose to believe them.
Well I fixed that up. The one lie came with a date and time. Perfect. I went to a lawyer friend and got all the proof I needed that they were lying. My lawyer friend met with a Judge and a Cease and Desist order was sent to them indicating that my innocence of their false allegations was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. If they continued, they would be tried and convicted. They weren't ready for that. Haven't heard a word from them since. Now they are still liars, they haven't learned their lesson, but I haven't heard a word about me.
What is it about Sociopaths? They can't live with each other, but for some damned reason they socialize together?
Barry's lies are unraveling, and so are T***&B***'s. Barry keeps saying that B***(different B) left a note that she would pay 1/2 all the bills. Well I can't post it yet, but the note does not say anything like that. T***&B*** say that they saw the note and it say's what Barry is claiming and more....I showed mom the Note.
I really wish she would stop believing EVERYTHING they say without verifying first. I often wonder if she is color blind because she can't see the Big Giant Frantically Waving RED Flags that keep pooping up around Barry.
Can you see where this is going. It's worse than the Soviets' Paranoia.
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